Sorry for the long silence – my wife has been suffering with a bad back. It is exquisitely painful for her. I can help by laying my hands on her and drawing out the toxins, passing them up through my chakra system and out the crown chakra to “give it to the goddess.” To some extent I can stop her pain, just as I can stop my own. I can see the energy patterns inside her, determine where they are blocked (easy – that’s where it hurts) and bring the energy around the block to relieve the pressure.
This is one application of sensory awakening, which is the direct result of my spiritual practice. Over the seventeen years of this practice, since my initial spiritual awakening in 1994, my senses have awakened to the presence of spirits in many things with whom I can converse. I have learned to detect energy patterns in the earth, and in people’s bodies. I met the Holy Spirit deep in the forest and we have worked together ever since. I cannot see Her, but I can hear Her Voice, and feel Her Hand when She touches me. All this was pretty alarming at first, and I spent a year with a psychotherapist trying to find out if I had gone crazy. She applied every known test for mental illness to me and found no problems at all. She concluded that in fact I am unusually stable, since I was handling a divorce with child, working 60 hours a week and having these wild spiritual encounters in the mountains every weekend, but it wasn’t making me crazy. She also said that she herself was not a religious person, but if what was happening to me had been happening to her, she would be. My conclusion: my senses are awakening to things that were there all the time – but we could not see them.
I had a good example of the practical benefits of sensory awakening today. I was driving down Kahuna Road. I came over a ridge. I could see the road went down from the ridge into a valley, where it curved sharply and headed back up to the next ridge, about a city block away across the valley. I saw a motorbike topping the other ridge and heading down the road into the valley towards me. I saw it was a small motorbike, and two people were riding it. Kids having fun. Then it went out of sight behind some trees, as I also came down the hill into the valley
Suddenly in my mind’s eye as I came down the hill, I saw very clearly the motorbike smashed on the roadway at the sharp curve below, the two kids scattered over the road, bleeding and possible dying, my own car twisted crooked across the road and myself getting out of the car with frozen horror in my heart. Instinctively, I slowed down – the impression was so sharp it was as if I had actually seen it, and my natural response was to hit the brakes. I came on down the hill cautiously, wondering why I had seen that dreadful picture in my mind.
Just before I got to the sharp curve at the bottom of the valley, which I saw now was an entirely blind corner, the bike came shooting around the curve at high speed. It was leaning way over like a racing bike, far over on my side of the road and moving like lightning.
If I had proceeded down the hill at normal speed, I would have been in that curve when they came around the corner, and they would have smashed right into me. The timing was just right. We would have had no choice but to collide. They both would probably have been killed.
I had not even had time to process that possibility. My awakened senses saw what was coming and showed it to me. Those kids will never know how lucky they were. They did look a bit alarmed to find a car was coming, but they had time to move back onto their side of the road, and we simply went past each other like nothing happened. Thank God – nothing happened.
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