Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Dragon Flies


I am Dr. Matt Miller. I have two lives. The people around me know me as an English teacher, sometimes fully employed. A few know I play guitar and carve wood. Most people who know me at all, know me as my wife's husband. She is a far more visible person than me. None of them know why my business is called The Hidden Dragon.

But when I am alone I enter into dialogue with spirits. I have kept it more or less a secret most of my life, because people get so strange about it. They have seen too many Hollywood movies. These are quiet, undramatic moments of contact. I am apparently clairaudient and clairsentient -- that is, I hear their voices and I feel it when one of them touches me. There is no clash of cymbals, no explosion of light. Just a knowledge that someone is there although I see no-one, and in my head a voice that is not my own, often telling me things I had no way of knowing before.

I have the habit of research, from my years gaining a BA, MA and PhD in Medieval English Literature at UCLA. So I would promptly go research what spirits tell me, in the spiritual writings of many different lands and times, to find verification. This has led to the unfolding of a profound and beautiful philosophy about how to live so you do not suffer, and do not cause suffering to those around you. It is quite simple, once you get the hang of it.

But there has been one source of extreme drama. Almost all my contacts are with the Holy Spirit, who seems to me to wait behind and within any other spirit I contact. These contacts are dramatic emotionally, because I have fallen in love with Her. If you have read Mira Bai, Rumi, Hildegarde of Bingen, Teresa de Avila, John of the Cross, Mechthilde of Magdeburg or Gertrude of Helfta, you will know what I mean.

Just before the millenium, things got really dramatic emotionally when She awakened within me as Kundalini and I began experiencing spontaneous states of bliss which have recurred ever since. As far as I am concerned, She has taken me as Her lover. I am profoundly grateful, and seek eagerly the opportunity to serve Her in return, since She serves me so well.

People struggling with awakened Kundalini in one of Her difficult moods may be able to learn from my story why She has been so sweet with me. Since She pervades the material world, existing as an immanent Godhead within all material objects and the space between them, people struggling with the world in one of its difficult moods may be able to learn from my story how the world can be more sweet for them. The books provide the theory -- this blog will describe the practice.

The mystical love for God has nothing to do with love for one's spouse or significant other -- both loves can co-exist happily. In fact Father Thomas Keating writes, in his book on Centering Prayer (Open Mind, Open Heart), that the mystics he has known with the most active spiritual lives are all married. The Kabbalah says the Shekinah or female form of God will not take a man as a lover unless he is married. Then when he must be away from his wife, She is his wife so he will not stray, until he gets home again. Thus She serves both wife and husband, and protects their bond. So it has been for me.

This has been my secret life, the hidden dragon that guards my treasure of wisdom. Like many secrets, it is where the real interest lies in my life. My outward life is completely unexceptional. What happens within is transcendent, astonishing. And it makes a really good story. 

Since I am seeking publication with 3 books about what She has taught me (which I hope will be called The Process, The Mechanism and Reversing the Pain Machine), I have decided to start this blog to tell the story behind the books. Watch for the next post -- I will begin with something extremely strange that happened to me when I was six. That will be our springboard into the Transcendent ...

Dr. Matt

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