Sunday, May 20, 2012

My book is coming out soon!

Good morrow, gentle reader!

Not only do I have two fun CDs of baroque blues music waiting for you at Kapa'a Music and Sound (823-8000), I am also just about to publish a book. 

Who am I? I am Dr. Matt Miller, PhD in Medieval English Literature, literacy teacher, poet, composer, wood-carver and practicing mystic. On Kauai I am known for helping quite a few young people improve their literacy skills, which I believe is the most useful thing I can share, after the Teachings of the Holy Spirit. 

 What Happened to Happiness? is a short book I have written that reveals the seven steps to direct experience of the Sacred. Using these steps has turned my life around from bitterness and anger to peace, acceptance and an unquenchable desire to help others who suffer.

In the mid-1990’s I began a prayer dialogue with the Holy Spirit that still continues. In our exchanges She has patiently taught me seven universal truths about human life, by showing me how they are at work in each life situation that arises. She has also taught me certain details of Her own history.

I have written down what She has said to me in prayer, and through research I have discovered the same teachings in many cultures all over the world – Hindu, Tibetan, Hawaiian, Cherokee, Senecan, Toltec, Christian, Judaic, Taoist, alchemical, Buddhist and Gnostic, as well as the ancient Mystery religions that were the foundation of paganism. The Teachings are seven universal truths that apply to all souls of every land or creed or time.

In brief the Teachings are
1.     Learn to experience Community with all things as vessels of the Holy Spirit
2.     Develop a Partnership with the Holy Spirit immanent in the world around you
3.     Master the Power to communicate with all things telepathically as vessels of the Holy Spirit
4.     Experience the Holy Spirit daily as a living, sentient Love permeating all situations
5.     Strengthen your Will in any situation by fusing it with Hers
6.     Dedicate your Mind to the task of understanding how this technology works inside you.
7.     Learn to feel and act upon Compassion for all who suffer, as parts of yourself.

These teachings are together a Path to an enlightened state in which the accidents of fortune no longer hurt you as they did before. A great measure of your personal unhappiness is alleviated, partly because you learn to think about things differently, and partly because the Path is inscribed in your body and central nervous system, and by following it out there you can learn to return to the pool of bliss and inner peace whenever you wish to do so. It is a change in perspective – a personal transformation – but it is also a physical technology built into the soft machine of your own body.

Operated backwards, the technology becomes a Pain Machine, a set of habitual stressors that create and store stress in the tissues that eventually becomes a physical problem  of some kind. Operated as it was meant to operate, the technology generates ecstatic union with the Sacred, triggering the flow of a healing anesthetic bioelectricity through the body which is alive and aware of you. In India they call Her Shakti, and She permeates every body, not just your own. In the West She is known as the Holy Spirit.

The bliss of union with Her has a gentling effect on the soul – you no longer seek external pleasures so relentlessly, for now you have this unspeakable Joy that blooms within yourself when you call It up in prayer. Things you used to fight about don’t seem to matter so much any more. You become willing to let other people have things their way. Why not? As long as the bliss continues!

I will discuss the technology in these blogs, but first I want to share a poem, whose seven verses combine Her teachings of Her own origins with the seven great Teachings that guide the human soul to inner peace and deep pure experiences of bliss. Check out the next blog for the first verse, about the first Teaching: Community with all things. It is mingled with the tale She told me of how She was born from the volcano on Kauai, five million years ago. 

Dr. Matt

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